Dedicated to Excellence
Members of the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics (LIP) at ETH Zurich founded the Ionplus AG as a spin-off company in order to offer new instrumentation commercially.
Based on more than 30 years of research and experience, Ionplus develops and builds innovative instruments for radiocarbon sample preparation and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). Our instruments are highly automated and provide excellent reproducibility and stability that allows our customers to deliver outstanding results in their ¹⁴C and AMS applications. Versatility and a user-friendly design are achieved through excellent engineering.
Ionplus stands for high-quality scientific instruments made in Switzerland as well as excellent customer service. We are dedicated to providing our customers all over the world with the best solutions for ¹⁴C analysis and cutting-edge AMS technology for a wide range of applications. Ionplus offers virtually the entire range of dedicated AMS laboratory and measurement equipment from one source: AMS instruments, fully automated graphitization systems, gas interface systems, automated carbonate handling systems, pneumatic sample presses, vacuum lines for sealing tubes and a range of accessories for all products.
In 2021 Ionplus introduced the latest innovation in AMS: our new low-energy AMS system LEA. It runs at just 50 kV accelerator voltage and is the most compact AMS in the world with dimensions of just 2.6 m x 1.8 m (footprint: 4.7 m²).